Men's F Team
The F team is one of two Club teams to compete within the HKHA Third Division. The team contains many veteran players, and whilst not as quick as they might have been in the days when they played on grass – for this is a team that overwhelmingly learned their trade on grass – the team still hosts a number of big hitters and guys able to do the job required. Whilst warm-ups are not quite as dynamic as up the divisions, they are perhaps more necessary, and the large squad numbers aim to negate the injuries which inevitably crop up every season.

Team sheet
Georg Bossle - Captain
Jonathan Banks - Vice Captain
Jeroen Touw - GK
Robert Barker
Erik Bernasco
Michael Blicblau
Piers Brunner
Gilson Chua
Angus Davidson
Chris Grossick
Jacob Iversen
Patrick Lam
Gordon Marsden
Fergus McCoig
Tony Mitchell
Jeremy Norris
William Probert
Tony Pugh
Neel Shah
Kailan Sharpless
Simon Shepherdson
Stephen Smart
Otto Surman
Adi Vora
David Watt
Lyle Williams